Current Situation

treading water
you have to
the current will flush you away
two steps forward
lose your breathe
you fall back
further down stream
treading again
stronger now
determined to get back there
to where hope floats
strong at first
head above the water
higher than before
and then
it slowly falls
your head
weighs countless worry
it drains you
you keep treading
but you are so tired
again, you have to rest
you let go
you fall back
close enough to see
that any farther is too far
you gain strength
you set out again
treading against the current
against the world it seems
head not so high
gloom rests there
you can’t keep this up
you don’t want to give in
you want to see what is next
you want to get up stream
you want to get through this
you are on your own
you need help
who do you ask
there is no one there
don’t give up
you talk to yourself now
but your mind says
give in
just go
maybe its better
somewhere else
so you let go
you stop fighting the current
and you flush away
it’s fast
it’s painless
it’s easier than anything
you have ever done.

Lost: Mickey Mouse

i have a hole in my heart
my body and my soul
he is my best friend

I wonder who is hurting more
me or him

he’s all alone out there
i am safe in here

he didn’t mean for this to happen
curious kitten

i want you to know, my little baby
i love you as much as a child
and i miss you
you were my missing link
my unconditional love
my loyal friend.

i am so sorry
please come home
let me help you find your way
stay strong and brave

i will find you and bring you home
and when i do
my life will be complete again

until then, know i love you so very much
you are special
one of a kind
nothing can keep you from me

come home –
i’ll be waiting.