Photo Moment

Face’s captured

a moment in time.

Happy or sad, their expressions

a story untold.

Staring into a past,

seeing what we want to see.

This picture you look at

will never tell the truth.

Unfit Flower


I never change.

I don’t grow old and I don’t change color.

People pass me by, they don’t stop to sniff or touch.

Instead, people stare at me but it’s not the same.

And I await the same judgement I always get,

I am fake, not real.

I Look Down On You


I look down on you
judging you from the outside, not in.

I watch everything you do
and see everywhere you go –

but will never tell.

Sometimes, I see you take your first step
and I am here at times, to witness your last.

I can change my look in an instant
and my moods will surprise you.

This is what makes us similar,
you do that too.

When you cry, down on your knees, why do you look at me
and the rest of the sky?

I can’t help you, I am just a cloud.